

Ze Song's reflections:
After doing this online research package, I feel that my understanding of the atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals is clearer. Although a molecular orbital is an unfamiliar topic and is quite challenging in the beginning, after going through a few times, I feel that it is quite clear as we have already learnt about Pi and Sigma bonds. Also, Through Schrodinger's Cat, I came to have a clearer understanding that electrons cannot be at 2 spots at the same time because it is constantly moving and orbitals are only areas where they can be found 95% of time. Another example that I can raise, is with 4D. There are lottery tickets ranging from 0001-9999 and consists a total of 9999 tickets. The chances of getting the grand prize is only 1 in 9999. And the only way to ensure the grand prize is if all 9999 tickets are bought.

My reflections:
So actually I came across this topic by chance. It all started when I was watching the tv serial "Numb3rs". There were many interesting stuff which the show introduced like Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Schrodinger's Cat. So I was reading up on these topics and I came across this topic so I decided to do this for chem ace. So there was alot of fun along the way when we did the ace because we really wanted to know more about this topic (we didn't know it was a university topic). So we went to different websites to find out all on the topic and then we compiled our sources and made this blog. So I felt this helped me to discover more about this subject in a fun way and it was very meaningful.